Hello Friends! Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that you'll stay for a bit. I hope that while you're here, you'll be inspired to discover and use your creative gifts and talents to build your homes and to be the best version of YOU!


hello + welcome

Back Like I Never Left!

*taps* mic…Hello is this thing on?!? I know, I know, I KNOW! I know it’s been a while. I got a little busy with life and I also got little preoccupied with doing other things and the blog took the back burner. I have been trying to figure out a way to reintroduce myself back […]

July 22, 2024


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Our New Closet Makeover with the Container Store!

Hey hey y’all! I wanted to come and show you my latest project with The Container Store! I will be posting all of my projects that I have with them on the blog, so be sure to join the family if you already haven’t. I wanted to make this post to run you through the […]

August 22, 2022


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How To Romanticize Your Everyday Life!

Hey Y’all! As promised, I’m back with another post! I know we see alot of these post going around about how to romanticize your life and those post are great! I wanted to put a different perspective on it from someone who is in their forties and has a family. Alot of the post I […]

May 27, 2022


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Life Lately and Blogging Update…

Hey y’all! I know, I know it’s been awhile. All I can say is life has been LIFE -ING lately!! I’m sure that many of you can attest to the same thing! I have recognized a pattern with myself. When life gets hard for me, I’ve noticed that I tend to retreat. Especially if my […]

May 26, 2022


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How I’m Managing Living with Anxiety

Hey Friends and I guess Happy 2021 LOL! We’re talking anxiety today. I have not been on the blog since summer of 2020 and I have missed you all! Last year was HARD for alot of people and blogging was another task that I just could not try to keep up with, BUT I’m BACK! […]

April 27, 2021


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Quarantine Graduation Photoshoot!

Happy Tuesday everyone! So we are on week who knows of stay at home in this house and I can find a different project to do every single day!! Honestly, between my office makeover (coming soon!) and Jasmine’s graduation things, I have been keeping pretty busy. COV19 has really thrown a curve ball in everyone’s […]

June 23, 2020


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