Hello Friends! Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that you'll stay for a bit. I hope that while you're here, you'll be inspired to discover and use your creative gifts and talents to build your homes and to be the best version of YOU!
Happy Saturday Friends !! I know that Thursday was National Watermelon Day, but to me, every day of the summer should be a national watermelon day! Watermelon is one of my absolute favorite fruits of all time! There are so many recipes that you can make with watermelon. From savory salads, to sweet desserts, there […]
Hello Friends! First of all… I love to eat salads. Here lately, I have embraced the Mediterranean diet and have eaten a lot lighter and I find myself craving salads. I am always on the lookout for a good salad recipe using different fruits and vegetables. I gave you a recipe a few months […]
Happy Tuesday Friends ! I am here today to share one of my all time favorite salad recipes with you. Roasted Chicken & Berry Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette! I have been super busy over here trying to get ready for Pinner’s in Georgia which is the next month !! I can still hardly believe […]
Merry Christmas Eve friends !! I wanted to hop on really quickly to give you a few recipes. You know… just in case you happen to have all the ingredients lying around your houses lol !!But seriously, these recipes don’t have to be just for Christmas! I promise once you taste both of these together, […]
Well Hello Friends ! I have missed you guys something terrible!! We have had so many good changes going on that it kinda took over me blogging, but I am back ! For one thing, we moved into a brand new home! Well new to us anyways!! We are just over the moon excited ! […]
Hello friends ! So let’s talk… How many of you have ever been bitten by the Comparison Monster ? Really be honest !! I know that I have on more occasions that I care to admit ! Here are a few things I have realized about the enemy of comparison: It really steals your joy […]