The #1 Way To Have A Great Morning!

The #1 Way To A Great Morning
The #1 Way To A Great Morning

The #1 Way To A Great Morning

Happy Monday to Everyone !

We all made it through the hustle and bustle of the week and now its time to do it again !

I don’t know about you, but I use my weekends to refresh myself from a busy week ! Don’t forget that WE do a bunch ! I’m hoping that you’re not doing too much to the point that you’re overwhelmed. If you are, then its time to start making some different life choices and saying NO to a few things. You can read more about that here.

Lets talk about mornings for a minute…

I am a morning person! I know that many people aren’t, but for me I am able to handle mostly everything I need to handle early in the day, when I get up a little earlier. This of course requires going to bed earlier. If you’re like me, you tend to go to bed late and still wake up early in the morning. This may work for a little while, but eventually you’re going to have to make up for that sleep you lost. Trust ME, I know you will and your family… the people you love… the person on the road…  in the grocery store and the random stranger will thank you!! Why do you ask ? Your attitude will be a WHOLE LOT BETTER !! Am I telling on myself enough ?!! Good !

Moving on…

I have found that the #1 way to a great morning is to… drum roll please… PLAN THE NIGHT BEFORE !! What ?!? That’s right girl, you need to have you a Nightly Routine !! You mean to tell me all the years that my mom told me to get my clothes out, pack my lunch and place all my things by the door actually had some meaning to it ? Yes, they actually did ! You can call her and thank her… I’ll wait !

Seriously, having a nightly routine, has helped me over the years . Not just with the kids, but with myself as well ! If this is something you struggle with, here are a few simple steps that I use on a nightly basis. Hopefully they will help you too !

The #1 Way To A Great Morning

The #1 Way To A Great Morning

1. The night before, make a list of everything you need to do the next day.

I call this ” brain dumping”. Brain dumping is the act of getting EVERYTHING that I may need to do, want to do, or think I need to get done put out of my head and onto paper. You could even take it step further if you like and narrow it down to the minute if you like. It’s all about what works best for you. Just make sure when you plan to the minute, you are setting realistic expectations to get the things done you need to do, within the time you allotted.

2. Make everyone pick out their clothes that evening before, even you !

On Sunday nights,  I still make all of my kids get their clothes out for the week. Yes my kiddos are not babies anymore and can do this themselves, but for me, trying to wrangle a 17 year old, a 12 year old soon to be 13 year old and a 9 year old to get all their clothes for the week has its fair share of challenges. They love to change their minds during midweek depending on how they “feel”. I make them all place their clothes in the front of their closets, along with everything they will put on the next day including socks, panties/ underwear and shoes. This has worked for me for a while so I continue to stick with it. For those of you that may have younger babes, they love to feel like they’re being a big girl/boy  and helping mommy out. Allow them to do that. Not only will it teach them to be independent, which is what we’re raising them to be, but it will take a load off of you. Its a win win !

3. Make lunches the night before.

This is another excellent way to get the kids involved. Get their input on things when you’re making your meal plans, such as what they would like to eat for lunch or do they have something in particular they’d like to make. That will stir something in their little minds to cause them to once again, feel as though they’re helping you and they actually are ! If you work outside the home or if you work from home, this is for you to do as well.

4. Plan for breakfast the night before.

As I stated before, I do all of my planning on Sunday evenings . That includes meal planning too, so I am able to take out all my ingredients for breakfast the night before. Some breakfast things can also be made the night before as well , such as waffles, pancakes, or breakfast sandwiches. I just prepare them the night before and place them in freezer bags. That way the kids can just pop them in the microwave in the morning. Another win, win !

So there you have it ! The #1 way to a great morning is to have a nightly routine !

I hope that through this detailed post you were able to gain some insight to help you develop your nightly routine. Don’t forget even though we do a bunch, we can’t do it all !  I’m grateful for my husband who kicks in when he sees me getting overwhelmed and I let him !  If  you have younger babies, ask mom’s with older children for advice or help if you need too. It doesn’t make you a bad mom, on the contrary it makes you wiser simply because you’re taking steps to help yourself not to become overwhelmed. Will you get this right every single day probably not, but that’s perfectly ok ! Its about Grace Not Perfection.

Enlist help when you have too, make sure you have a good support system and above all learn to show yourself GRACE ! If you found this post helpful or you have some tips or tricks you use to have a great morning, please share with the rest of us!! Leave me a comment below ! Talk with you soon friends, Nicole

March 2, 2015




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